2018 Early Career Scientist Summit

18-22 June 2018 - Physical Laboratory, Teddington, UK

WMRIF is pleased to announce the 6th WMRIF Workshop for Early Career Scientists.  The Early Career workshop series concentrates on exceptional early career scientists in WMRIF institutes with the goals of network building, and knowledge and experience exchange, along with the chance to examine facilities of the host institute.  In addition, the workshop enables participants to compete for the opportunity for extended visits to WMRIF institutes.


Meeting Topic - Emerging materials and new processes serving society, including:

  • identifying micro-structure / property / performance relationships for emerging materials,
  • ensuring processing quality in new processes such as additive and out-of-autoclave
  • manufacture,
  • developing characterisation, monitoring and testing methods for new materials and
  • processes,
  • robotics, Industry 4.0 (or Internet of Things) and the use of “Big Data” to advance productivity,
  • advancing new materials and processes to higher TRLs and product applications.


 Participation details:

  • Please note that all candidates must be nominated by WMRIF institutes leadership.
  • WMRIF institutes may nominate up to three candidates  to participate and must provide their contact details for further communication by December 20th.
  • Candidates should be conducting research related to the workshop themes. The research should be clearly that undertaken by the contestant, although minor co-authors are allowed.
  • As a general rule, nominees should be within six years of receiving their doctorate or ten years of a first degree, but special circumstances will be permitted with explanation (such as sickness or maternity leave).
  • Candidates should submit a 1000 word abstract, excluding references (Arial size 11 font) with up to two figures or tables by 28 January.
  • Candidates will be informed of their acceptance to present by 20 February.
  • Participants will present their research in an oral presentation (15 minutes plus 5 minutes for discussion).
  • The top five presenters will be chosen from the workshop participants.  The candidate with the best presentation will be given the opportunity to visit two WMRIF institutes of their choice for a period of two weeks each.  The remaining winners will have the opportunity to visit a single institute of their choice for two weeks. 


Contact Information:

Workshop Host - Prof. Graham Sims

WMRIF Secretariat - Dr. Nick Barbosa 


Summit Timeline:

31 November - Announcement with abstract request

20 December - Institute nominations

28 January – Abstract submission deadline

20 February – Contestant acceptance

14 May - Programm available

18-22 June – Conference/Competition


Logistics and Additional Information:

NPL Visitor Information 

Formal Invitation

ECSS Presentation