The 3rd WMRIF General Assembly at NIST, USA in June 2009 for the first time was held in combination with a symposium on Materials Challenges for Clean Energy.
3rd WMRIF Meeting 2009 – Agenda (pdf)
President’s address – Part 1 | Part 2
Presentations of the Symposium on Materials Challenges for Clean Energy:
- Energy Research Needs and Opportunities in Materials Sciences and Engineering | Dr. Linda Horton (Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy)
- Japanese Policy of Energy and Environment and Asian Activities | Dr. Masaki Kitagawa (NIMS)
- Novel materials for energy applications | Renzo Tomellini (European Commission)
- Wide-gap chalcopyrites for single and double junction solar cells | Dr. Reiner Klenk (HZB)
- Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells with Nanotechnologies | Dr. Liyuan Han (NIMS)
- Hydrogen and Bioenergy Processes and Materials HYDROGEN THE FUTURE ENERGY CARRIER Part 1| Part 2 | Prof. Dr. Andreas Zuettel (EMPA)
- Interfacial Processes for Interconversion between Water and Hydrogen | Dr. Kohei Uosaki (Hokkaido University)
- Thermoelectricity: A component of the comprehensive solution to the energy crisis | Prof. Ctirad Uher (University of Michigan)
- Materials Challenges for Geothermal Power Applications | Dr. Ralph Baessler (BAM)
- A challenge to overcome safety issue of lithium-ion batteries | Dr. Kazunori Takada (NIMS)
- R&D Status & Future Direction of heat resistant materials for efficient power plants | Dr. Kyung-Tae Hong (KIST)
- Material solutions for efficient energy technologies – VTT perspective | Prof. Dr. Anne-Christine Ritschkoff (VTT)
- Future Aspects and Developments for Advanced Power Station Technologies Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Prof. Dr. Dieter Bohn (RWTH Aachen University)
- NIST/BFRL Programs on Sustainable Infrastructure Materials | Dr. Edward Garboczi and Dr. Joannie Chin (NIST)
- Materials Research for Solid State Lighting at A*STAR and IMRE | Prof. Wei Liu (Institute of Materials Research and Engineering A*STAR)
- Degradation of Material Properties Significant for Lifetime Extension of Nuclear Power Plants | Dr. Anton Erhard (BAM)
- Materials Challenge for Clean Nuclear Fusion Energy – Development of Low Activation Structural Materials | Dr. Takeo Muroga (NIFS)
- Evolutionary and Revolutionary Development of Structural Materials for Fission and Fusion Energy Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 |Dr. William R. Corwin (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
- Materials Research in Bhabha Atomic Research Centre | Dr. Srikumar Banerjee (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre)
Special Topics:
NanoEHS – Presentation Dr. Debra L. Kaiser, NIST (Measurement Science and Technology for Nano-EHS Risk Assessment)
Synchrotron – Presentation Dr. Keisuke Kobayashi, NIMS (Applications of Synchrotron Radiation to Nano Materials Science: Activities in East Asia)
Synchrotron – Presentation Dr. Altaf H. Carim, U.S. DoE (Status and Further Development of Synchrotrons / Light Sources)
Sustainability – Presentation Dr. Ichiro Daigo, University of Tokyo (Material Science & Technology for Sustainability)
Brief Summary of symposium - Dr. Mike Simonson, ORNL
Report from the secretariat - Dr. Masaki Kitagawa, NIMS
Working groups reports:
- WG 3 Promotion of young scientists (Prof. Thomas Boellinghaus, BAM)
- WG 6 Structural materials reliability (Prof. Anne-Christine Ritschkoff, VTT)
- Report of Asia-Oceania meeting (Hideyuki Murakami, NIMS)
Additional information:
Link to outlook of “materials for energy and environment”
Photos from Forum meeting at NIST